Egregors [Fr. “wakefulness”], a non-physical entity, sometimes referred to as a thought-form, occurs when a group of people share a common motivation. An egregor is referred to as a “watcher” in the Book of Enoch. “Utherworlds The Clouding” by Philip Straub

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Ireland is redhead land, but they were always suspect. It was said a redheaded woman could bring bad luck to a ship, or seeing one on market day meant no sales. As a redhead, that’s tough luck for me. My family is Irish, so I take it in stride. 😂🍀

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In Cornwall if you see a bat it's traditional to chant for luck:
“Airymouse, airymouse, fly over my head

and you shall have a crust of bread,

and when I brew and when I bake

you shall have a piece of my wedding cake.”

🎨Dudley Hardy (1891)

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