One of the many reasons I am glad I (currently) only write fanfiction, and what will make stepping out into the real world of publishing difficult? The fact that, if you make one mistake, the entire internet can shut down everything you've tried to build. I

0 3

I wanted to make this really fast to show all my support to ✨ Cheer up, all your fans are here for you! a hero can always break out of a tough spot (ง •̀ω•́)ง✧

6 38

Mirio Togata

"You'll make... a fine hero... Lemillion."

26 81

Debemos apoyar a el creador de aquella historia que tanto amamos, llegó el momento de nosotros, ser los héroes.

Don't worry we love you, no matter what ♥️💫

2 9

Спустя столько месяцев??? Лет??? Захожу в тви только чтобы сделать это:

0 8


1 30

Much encouragement !!!

(This drawing is from when the first season of the anime was released, I think it's a good time to take it out again)

0 2


272 1432

You got this, Horikoshi-sensei!! You are strong enough to break through this nightmare :''''<
All of the Russian fanbase supports you!

36 125

Animo, que solo fue un error Horikoshi.

59 354

✨Герои должны защищать людей ✨

313 1174

You have created really amazing character who inspire me and I admire your artwork! Be proud of it!

2 9



3 20

En verdad todo lo que le está sucediendo actualmente a Horikoshi es demasiado fuerte, y no se lo merece, es el creador de una gran serie como My Hero Academia desde aquí nosotros te apoyamos Horikoshi-sensei.

380 1794