No vague preview today as we are on mid-season break!

Instead enjoy this fanart by @ mountedarcher on Instagram! The hair is making us giggle 😂🙏🏻

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At long last… our *final* C1 art is here. Behold, our Book 5 spread by the great and powerful .

Oh, the things to come.

Bask in the glory of this piece. 😭💚 merch inbound!

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Absolutely living for this Talice v. Chaz fanart from on IG! INCREDIBLE 🙏🏻🙏🏻💚💚

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This absolutely incredible creation by the talented af !

This is amazing and brings every feel.

Our Book 4 finale is TOMORROW! Don’t miss out!

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It's Thursday,

And your vague episode 173 preview -- THE BOOK 4 FINALE -- is HERE!

This episode brought to you by:


you're not ready.

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We don't question Manrose.

Tune in to today's episode of -- I mean -- to see what our favorite elevator operator is up to.

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welp, we are certainly THRIVING aren't we? To see how this plays out, check out our show! Top of the Round on any podcatcher or visit!

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We are certainly in the thick of it. Wonder how we’ll get outta this one. 👀👀

Join us tomorrow for episode 152!

Art by !

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This absolutely fucking incredible fanart of episode 150 is by the talented . This is blowing our minds entirely. 🥹💚💚💚💚



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Talice has a lot to worry about this book. If only she knew…. EVERYTHING going on… 🫠

Boy, she might just get angry.

Art by the miraculous !

This book hits hard. It’s a great time to be caught up with TotR!

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Chaz has sure made some *decisions* this Book, hasn’t he? 😬

Enjoy him in devious splendor. Art by

What will he do next? 😅

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*ahem* is it hot in here? 😅

This absolutely captivating fanart of fan favorite ship CHANGO (Ringo x Chaz) by the one and ONLY 😍😍😍

Ohhhh MyYyYyYyyYyyyy~~~

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WE ARE BESIDE OURSELVES! INCREDIBLE Emry from the one and only ! If you are not already following her, GO NOW!

Just who IS Emry, anyways? And what does she want? 👀👀👀

BOOK 4 STARTS IN 6 DAYS! Are youuuu readdyyyyy?

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Oh mah lord. Excuse us, we’re still googly-eyed over this incredible Tal’kar fanart by 😱


12 days to Book 4. ARE YOU CAUGHT UP?

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We have a lot to be thankful for at the close of this Book. We also reveal the premier date of Book 4!

Book Three Acknowledgements


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Eeeeee! Behold! This beautiful piece of *that Tal’kar moment* is by the marvelous ! MERCH. INBOUND. 👀

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