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He is going to rock your shit

Also changed his outfit and gave him some really cool outfit based on Nigiri sushi…

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I really need to grab some sushi…

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since u guys like to compare him to sushi…

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Last Halloween they made me dress up as sushi…. Please don’t eat me.

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Day 12 Candy Hearts and Day 13 Your/My Favorite Food! Steven with Candy shaped hearts with little quotes of love ❤️ and then…Sushi, just sushi…🚪🧍‍♂️

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osushi…nunu 🍣👹

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it’s his year and i haven’t seen any fanart for Atsushi…. (ft. Dazai and Akutagawa)


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getting sushi… excited !!!

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I knew this would happen after you called me sushi…

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はひ〜〜、油断してたら二週間限定公開の二週目には朝一回のみの上映となってしまったGHOST IN TSUSHI……ぢゃなくて『GHOST IN THE SHELL 攻殻機動隊』IMAX上映なう〜〜。入場特典にポストカードももろたで〜〜☺️
レーザーIMAX 4Kを観に遠征も考えましたが、余りに時間とお金がかかるので2Kなり〜〜😅

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Heya im Yuuki! Im a reincarnated komainu trying to catch up with the times, i like watchung anime and playing fps and jrpg games! My favorite snack is probably cheez-its or sushi…i really like sushi…


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