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Errático, estirado, antiestético, engorroso, desastroso, absurdo, desfasado, incoherente, malogrado, exasperante... y uno de los mejores Survival Horror que he jugado en los últimos años. Tiene algo que contrarresta sus adversidades en la balanza: PERSONALIDAD. Grande, Swery65.
3. Underrated Game.
Dark Dreams Don't Die.
I think about it constantly. I play it once a year. It's unfinished unfortunately, but I love to think about what could be. It's such a bonkers game. I know he probably can't for contract reasons, but SWERY, plz finish it. 4 me. 🙏🙏🙏
Red Seeds Profile(Deadly Premonition)実況完結!
#ゲーム実況 #レッドシーズプロファイル #RedSeedsProfile
#DeadlyPremonition #実況プレイ
is this a dream... about little birdies dying?
emily - the missing
#jjmacfield #themissing #arcsys #swery #fanart #illustration
The Missing
I can't believe it took me this long to actually getting around to this, it was kind of tailor made to appeal to me. Classic swery game disclaimer, it's not the most polished thing, but they've never needed it to be the treasures they are. This
If you like my illustrations, you can find my custom merchs on Redbubble and TeePublic.
TEEPUBLIC https://t.co/vqAKc2y4Xp
REDBUBBLE https://t.co/6ThBdzS1zJ
#deadlypremonition #ablessingindisguise #francisyorkmorgan #swery #franciszachmorgan #fanart #videogames #videogaming
Hotel Barcelona exclusive screenshots. (Nintendo Switch/PS4)
(Grasshopper Manufacture Inc./White Owls Inc.)(Summer 2024)
#Ghm #WhiteOwls #Swery65 #Suda51
The Missing de Swery (Deadly Premonition) , en promo à 6 euros sur eshop Switch, pour ceux qui ne l'auraient pas encore. 👍
I drink to your health, Mr. Swery!
Your games make me move forward and get better!
#TheGoodLife #Nintendo #swery65 #PlayStation
Been hyped since the beginning 🥳🥳🥳
ついに明日はThe Good Lifeの発売日!!
お金に余裕の無いナオミはマンチェスターから電車とバスを乗り継いて、さらにトラックをヒッチハイクしてRainy Woodsへ向かっています。ある意味たくましい。流石だナオミよ。
#TheGoodLife #SweryNewGame #RainyWoods #NaomiThePhotographer #DrinQUEEN
Tomorrow is the release of "The Good Life"!!
Naomi, she has no money, transfers trains and buses from Manchester and then hitchhikes a Truck to go to Rainy Woods. In a sense, She is very strong. You are the ONE, Naomi.
#TheGoodLife #SweryNewGame #RainyWoods #DrinQUEEN
The Good Lifeの発売日まで3日
#TheGoodLife #SweryNewGame #RainyWoods #NaomiThePhotographer #DrinQUEEN
3 days left the release of "The Good Life".
Naomi seems to be on board from NYC to London. Oh, the table is full of empty beer. Well, considering your future adventures, you might want to drink as much as you like when you can.
#TheGoodLife #SweryNewGame #RainyWoods #DrinQUEEN
The Good Lifeのリリースまで、あと5日。
#TheGoodLife #SweryNewGame #RainyWoods #NaomiThePhotographer #DrinQUEEN
5 days left until the release of "The Good Life".
It's about time Naomi is starting to prepare ...Wow eh? She's still drunk and sleeping!!??
#TheGoodLife #SweryNewGame #RainyWoods #NaomiThePhotographer #DrinQUEEN
The Good Lifeのリリースまで7日。
ナオミは、まだのんびりお酒を飲んでいるようです。 彼女はどんな冒険が彼女を待っているかまだ知りません。
#TheGoodLife #SweryNewGame #RainyWoods #NaomiThePhotographer #DrinQUEEN
7 days until the release of "The Good Life".
Naomi seems to be still drinking leisurely. She still doesn't know what adventure is waiting for her.
#TheGoodLife #SweryNewGame #RainyWoods #NaomiThePhotographer #DrinQUEEN