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still looking for Gaon's house episode but I got priorities to simp first at 3AM, i go zzz now

i miss them 🥹 and hbd again to Jisung the most lovely & handsome ahjussi


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Happy Birthday Jisung 💖 You're aging like a fine wine and I can't stop gushing over you

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Details from last post. I used reference to study the lighting & color scheme.
Hair is a tricky part to draw 🙃 but i think i get the hang of it?

5 22

Practicing rendering with Gaon & Yohan

Bonus 🥵 on 3rd pic for all of you fandom ✨

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Barbarian!AU— Chief Yohan

fun practice rendering using characters I like. I don't like how his flowy hair on the back makes his neck looks too extended lol (note to self)

3 11

Prince!Gaon on Yohan's fur bed. Had a background story of why Gaon grew his hair, had a peek on my story plot while we talk about 'cookies'

my procrastinating now usually involves GaHan. now I'll just need to draw more Nyoungie in white 🤪

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Prince!Gaon first day waking up in Yohan's tent VS a year after living with the barbarian clan.

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what's this? high quality sketch? of unhinged-ness???

i was a bit unhinged when i draw these yes. somebody pls make more GaHan fic for 300-500k+ words, i promise you i will devour it.

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【playlist】AVYSS プレイリスト

火曜更新|cover: a子

Himera、UNIT KAI、Mana Garden、in the blue shirt、VTSS、NEET、miida、Crustsox、woopheadclrms、yingyangAran + YNZ VALENTINE、TDJ + Aamourocean、giallarhornit、rirugiliyangugili、LustSickPuppy

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Little Bambi likes making snowballs, Yohan is talking to K prolly, then he took off his hoodie 🙃

anatomy drawing has never been this good, fuels my energy to level up my human drawing skills lmao. i used reference for all these ofc

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Still can't believe Jisung looked like Yohan again in Adamas 😭 가온아, 부장님이 돌아왔다. Jinyoung knows what's going on all this time 🙃

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| 강요한 판사님 - Judge Kang |
If you want to know how's my obsession going 🙃 it's that bad. ᴵ ʷᵒⁿᵈᵉʳ ᶦᶠ ᴳᵃᵒⁿ ᵉⁿʲᵒʸ ᵗʰᵉ ᵏᶦˢˢ

been rewatching TDJ too while watching other kdramas. OFC I'M WATCHING ADAMAS

7 19

I miss devil judge, sebastian play Tiny Dancer 😔

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【I wanna change the world for TDJ】

去年限定公開したアイワナを一般公開いたします。英語が追加された他、2周目専用セリフ、やりこみ要素等を用意しました。(Added English ver.)

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Ahora que voy a esperar cada fin de semana, me niego a dejar de ver tdj

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文化祭展示作品4『I wanna change the world for TDJ』



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