My community is a LGBTQIA+ safe space. If you are not accepting of anyone under this umbrella, especially trans people, then you are not welcome here. TERF or phobics are not welcome here.

71 503


Soph, a half a century old nonbinary artist, who’s not going to let any terf or bigot tell them what they can and can’t be.

30 161

You should check out CANTRIP, our TERF-less GM-less witch school RPG from the mind of creator

17 45

Magic school? ✔️
Hidden magical world? ✔️
Adventure? ✔️
Superbad villains? ✔️
Welcome to a Terf-free Witchy world
Free- Quickstart
Purchase Bundle-

1 0

Then there is her modern comic, I think hers faded in terms of discourse even from people defending it don’t do so anymore over the writer possibly being a terf but that said it was a terrible run and when you see the writer without an editor you realize it could have been worse

0 7

new pin wah wah
⭐hi im 20 something . call me cloud ! i make art :-)
🌟i really love splatoon , PKMN , starfox and sonic the hedgehog !
🚷‼️DNI proship , anti anti , TERF , ppl 17 and under (!!)
💀ill also block if i feel uncomfortable
🫵😁 enjoy ur stay :-)

0 9

Trans- Frauen sagen 'NEIN' zu Hass gegen Frauen!

Transfrauen sind Frauen und Trans- Männer sind Männer.

♥ Sei nicht Faschist, sei nicht Terf! Liebe TRansmenschen und allgemein die

1 1

Happy womens day from the biggest (non terf) feminist in the tboi fandom !

I’m still proud of this series I drew a while ago!

22 127

what a fucking reach sister

terfs dont get a history month. they simply dont. its not planet terf or anything. theres nothing radical about yall being blatantly and objectively wrong about everything & crying misogyny when you're called out for putting other women down.

0 1

Je suis née en 82.
J ai été abusée à 9 ans,17 ans,19 ans et encore bien après. Le patriarcat me fait chier depuis 41 ans et jamais je n aurais imaginé devoir me battre contre des "féministes" qui veulent me réduire à mon vagin comme tout bon mascu reac.

Aux chiottes les TERF

277 2416

I was Inspired™️. This is Marline, one of the Main Characters in a comic I'm working on. (+Textless Version just 4 u)

3 10

the entire trans community seeing they're not invited to the TERF wedding

0 0

eu amo tanto a penny guaxinim tao fofinha com as terf bangs dela, pq q ela tinha q ser l0licon ...

fr*ncy vc me paga </3

0 9

Basic Info
☆I'm Michael (or Mike), and this is my main account
☆I use they/xe pronouns
☆I mostly post furry and pokemon art on here
☆My dms are open if you have any questions

🚫DNI if you are a zoo, pedo, or a terf🚫


2 17

All of these are cheaper than the shitty terf wizard game. Do yourself a favor and buy something you will enjoy, Gunpla 🤠

68 347

To anyone who purchased and played the TERF wizard game? Please unfollow me. If you think for a second "Oh it's just a game it can't be that bad"? Once again you're proving that your comfort is more important than not only trans happiness but trans lives. Not debating.

18 82

Twitter is a free tool used globally to share information in a highly digital society. Many people use it for staying up to date with current events.
Wizard game is a luxury item that glorifies an antisemitic class war and its royalties go to an outspoken terf. Not the same.

0 1

The is just petty. Don't spoil a game because the creator of the property is a terf. Instead counteract the spoilers with FEMBOYS

0 6