Today is . Take a min. to verify that you’re registered at your current address. Most states & localities’ elections offices allow voters to look up their reg. status online. Deadline to update your registration for the 11/8 election is early Oct.

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🎶It's the most wonderful time of the year 🎶

Happy Join MOVE Texas at one of the more than 60 voter registration drives happening across Texas today. Together we can make sure our friends and neighbors are

32 53

Today is
Are u registered? Are your friends, family & neighbors? Check to see if u still are, & send the link, post it to your neighborhood FB page, get the word out TODAY!

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The Interregnum if you’re a monarchist, and the Commonwealth if you’re a republican. 11 years with no king, dominated by the complex figure of Oliver Cromwell, who ruled as Lord Protector and passed rule to his son, Richard.


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Thanks for joining us here at for this edition of Make sure to check back on Sept 20 for with !

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DYK: Although much of Tamriel suffered during the Interregnum, it is believed that that the Dark Brotherhood did comparatively well? The author Pellarne Assi stated that the Brotherhood "must have grown fat with gold" in the aftermath of the crisis they potentially helped start.

16 199

Been training with MasterRegina.

23 103

encerram em si, nos seus corpos, movimentos, rostos). E então aí, a partir desses corpos, a sua relação com o espaço, a luz, os objectos, os animais.
Assim como na infância desenhamos a mãe, o pai, os irmãos, os amigos, e a nós próprios, eu retomei, depois de um interregno de

0 5

The Virgin Mary sheltering the Bedingfeld family, Norfolk royalists, during the civil war. Painted shortly after the battle of Marston Moor, 1644. Fascinating image / allegory of an English Catholic family during the Interregnum.

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. (VR) deadline vary by state. TX VR deadline: 1/31/22 for 3/1/22 primary. Apply for by 2/18/22. applications are rejected in record numbers, new rules set by SB1. Fight by showing voting. Register & Vote!

14 16

✅ Si te gusta viajar, la va trazando tu destino.

"El camino es igual
si me pierdo
o me dejo llevar"


➡Proyecto Euroace Interreg

7 11

Rattling fragt...
Was war das furchterregendste Ereignis, das ihr jemals in einem -Abenteuer erlebt habt?

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happy make sure you can do your civic duty come november 🗳🇺🇸

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