Congrats! You registered successfully to the TFCon.

(That'd be a fun convention, right?)

Today's warmup sketch.

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Tempted to make these two into 5" acrylic stands. But idk how they will do for TFCon. So I might just do pre-orders later.

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Okay ProwlBulk button for TFcon. (: For those with amazing taste.

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I've been scrambling to make a few new prints for Here's one.

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Last minute print finished in time for TFCon...


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Welp I am no going to tfcon. I couldn’t make enough funds at all so in the end I have to go next year. I’m feel so shit and sad that I can’t meet some wonderful artists and friends at the con but hopefully I can make it and they can make it next year. But here’s a baby.

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Making a few extra stickers for TFcon. Kokeshi Autobot ladies, including humans.

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