again...I didn't get the mint, so I draw on the for many times, and each piece is so wonderful.

I pick up 4 pic, share to everyone who didn't get it too. I'm really want one!!!

by artist

3 20

Large study for clothing the Naked one of the Seven Acts of Mercy. This is Dressing the New Child 102x137cms

1 14

Old drawing by Jane Fairhurst. Happy 🧟‍♂️ Don’t forget this Saturday Jane and other Cross Street Artists are a part of at .

1 8

My beguiling & most sacred ensõ circle of enlightenment "Outside nothing. Inside nothing" in two guises...'Tis normally in my living room, but at the moment, basking in the glow of the amazing

9 19

Wow ...A wondrous mingling of David Robert Jones, sacred ensõ circles of enlightenment, the ethereal sounds of Moss Garden & "We are all joined in a circle of stories" Love it...Thank you!...

4 13

So proud of our girl Ruby for successfully auditioning to join the The Lowry Centre for Advanced Training Scheme in September. Our original WigLe member - what an amazing young lady and a fantastic achievement! 🔥❤️💃

5 14


We'll be helping launch the amazing cultural manifesto for . An exciting day of fantastic artists put together by the brilliant . Runs 11:00 until 16:00 at Wigan Galleries + its free!

Not to be missed!

10 21

Calling all and We are excited to be hosting the next ‘The Other’ open mic evening at on Thursday 16th May. If you’re a writer, performer or know anyone who would like to attend, please email

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