O’men TMI

폰 배경화면 생각하고 그림

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I'm seeking Kawanbabu for fill up my dusty timeline. I go by He/Him on legal age. I hype Anime sometimes. Feel free to leave any TMI/Ask me anything. Minor & Problematic is prohibited.

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Hi, I'm here for seeking some kawanbabu for fill up my dusty timeline. Goes by He/Him - legal age. Would you choose me for this conversation? Ask me anything/drop ur TMI & i'd let you in.

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Good afternoon, this future Mavu and Citlali main looking forra kawanbabu karena tl aku kering <3. I'm on my legal but my acc is safe for minor & using feminime pronouns. Aku juga main adeknya Genshin (Hsr and ZZZ) and Wuwa. Reply your fcv/carrd/tmi & i'll hyu!

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Heya, travelers! I'm on a mission to fill my tl with new kawanbabu 🥰 kindly drop your tmi/carrd/rentry down below! Please, under 20 DNI! I like to randomly post wleowleo arts🤡 see ya!

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TMI : 이 셋은 제가 외형적으로 차이를 두고 있는 요소가 있는데 뭘까요 (복장 제외)

맞추면... 축하를 드림 https://t.co/4x4oihZKw1

6 82

이곳에 쓸만한게 없으니 제 딸래미에 대한 질문 받아봐요
(좋은 생각이 떠오르면 반영해서 tmi에 추가할 수도 있음...!)

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12월 서코 [방도리바이브] 뱅드림 부스
합동지 작가로 참여했숨미다!!!

Tmi - 저모의 모티브 캐릭터는 뱅드림의 코코로 입니다!!
겁나 닮앗네용

미사코코 영원하라!!!! https://t.co/i4nAhnp00R

53 408

Halo, di sini ada player yang butuh genshinmoots alias temen baru. Currently Im an Alhaitham main, soon to be Childe main (kalau blio rerun). Drop tmi or any trace so i can hit you up, minor and homophobic dni.

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hi! im looking for a genshinmoots yang gak masalah aku writers Au, in legal age (20+), he/them, Arlecchino main (looking for Furina main buat diajak date around teyvat). Leave a trace ya, drop ur TMI atau apapun ya!

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Hey, I'm looking for kawanbabu to fill up my timeline I go by he/they, unlabeled acc and legal age. I put my interest in playing game (Genshin Impact/MLBB), animanhwa and YOASOBI! Leave with your TMI. I will hit you up. Prefer 20+, Homophobic and minor dni.

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Hi, this anomali looking for new genshinmoots, Navia>Kinich>Kazuha main soon to be Nahida haver. Suka yap-yap, badut, an armymoa, hype animanga, multishipper. (-17, homophobic dni) Just drop ur tmi and I'll hit you up.

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hy,, slamat malming! ak sdank mncari genshinmoots (bru mw blik gengshing) akunku lmyan cmpur aduk.. akunku jg mdni, dn tlg jan fllow dlu ia (aga selektip) tlonk drop tmi klian spaya bisa ak ajak ngobrol 😔☝🏻 (btw ak anaknya aga loyo, jd mff klok aga slr)

1 12

금일 유튜브 유료 멤버십 한정 스트리밍에서 진행된..
안케랜드의 유구한 전통 컨텐츠인 암컷 타락 컨텐츠~

평소에는 채팅 치는 안붕이들 대상으로 그 안붕이의 tmi를 생각하여 임의로 그렸지만 이번에는 전화 데이트로 자기소개를 시키고ㅋㅋㅋ 그리게 되었습니다.
이렇게 진행하는 것도 괜찮은듯!

1 46

아기 후궁 81화 작업은 특히나
의상이 정말 많이 나왔던 회차 중 하나인데요..!
한편에 7벌이나 갈아입었더라구요 (›' ᵥ '‹)!

다른 날임을 연출 해야하기도 했지만
과거보다 더 사랑받는 산야를 표현하기 위해
여러벌을 작업 했습니다. ^_^)b 즐거운 작업이었어요.

51 142

아기 후궁님은 조용히 살고 싶어 80화의 의상 시트 후보는 총 4벌이었는데요!
가장 귀여운 첫번째 , 세번째 의상이 선택 되었답니다! 이렇게 모아보니 다른 의상도 귀여웠을 것 같네요!

다른 의상은 기회가 되면 그려보도록 하겠습니다 ^_^////

32 137

Greetings everyone! Anyone willing to be my kawanbabu in my small account? I go by she/her & still minor (17). I really like pretty girls & ayato so much <3. 23+, ns/fw acc, homophobic, zionist dni. Reply with your fcv/carrd/tmi & i'll hyu!

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Good evening, I'm currently seeking for new kawanbabu. I go by he/him and already on my legal age. I'm a Kazuha main AR 59. My account is unlabeled and minor friendly hence homophobic, drama maker, and -15 strictly do not interact. Leave your TMI and I'll hit you up!

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Good evening, folks! I am here to search for more kawanbabu to befriend with. A short introduction of mine: a huge fan of Ganyu & Albedo, and I have tons of interests (R1999, Manhwa/huas, CRK, HSR, etc.) Leave a TMI or your main and I'll hit you up. 🐈‍⬛️🪄

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hello dear travelers. sender is looking for some new genshinmoots

here's a pretty detailed information about me. fear not if your otp(s) aren't here, sender multishipper jadi beliau ship basically semua ship yang ada di fandom ini.

rep dengan tmi kalian (cont)

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