More works of This Month in Metal deep in the guts of VISUAL INSULT TO SONIC INJURY, VOL. 1, preorders of which open tomorrow! 💀

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More innards of VISUAL INSULT TO SONIC INJURY, VOL. 1, the complete first year of This Month in Metal artwork. Preorders open Friday 💀

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Preorders for my illustrated year in metal book, VISUAL INSULT TO SONIC INJURY, VOL. 1 open this Friday, so let’s take a look back at some of the insides 💀

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THIS MONTH IN METAL No. 12: RIP Peter Steele. This April marks 10 years without the goth king of mythic proportions.
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Blood for the Green Man. 18”x24 mixed media & digital.

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THIS MONTH IN METAL No. 8: RIP Dimebag Darrell. Dec 8 marks the death of Pantera’s guitarist, but Dimebag lives FOREVER!
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Dimebag Darrell’s Eternal Fucking Reign. 19”x25” acrylic monoprint with colored pencil and pastel.

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Cause y’all just need a butt in your feed, here’s July’s “My Pain, Your Thrill” (12”x16” acrylic monoprint with colored pencil and pastel, digital stuff) based on ’s “Trash” Read more:

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Since I came late to Twitter, I’ll be sharing my previous MONTHS IN METAL. Here’s the first one I did in May: “The Eternity Opens” (19”x25” acrylic monoprint with colored pencil and pastel) based on Mayhem’s DE MYSTERIIS DOM SATHANAS. Read more:

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