画質 高画質

When I was a child, I was just a boy who admired Akira Toriyama and started drawing because of him. At one point, I dreamed of becoming a hero 🗡️, and at another, I wanted to be a manga artist 🎨.

A few years ago, I started posting fan art of Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger, and… https://t.co/jBhwfbUYeH

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Man, I can't believe it's already been a year since Akira Toriyama passed

Rest in Peace king, thank you for giving us this queen👑

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Aunque considero que Trunks del futuro de Toyotaro es lindo, siento que el de Toriyama es infinitamente superior, porque no solo es eso, también se ve badass, impone respeto y al mismo tiempo tiene sex appeal. El de Toyotaro siento que es solo una cara bonita que representa a un… https://t.co/mQeWFP8kht

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Toriyama SÍ le sabía al romance, creo que realmente se le daba bien a su manera y esta pareja lo demuestra. Sutil, pero bonito y directo💖

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Que Toriyama le haya dado la pañoleta naranja a Pan como a su padre💖💖💖

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En el manga la pelea es más explícita porque a Videl hasta le rompen los dientes, pero en el anime, la escena de ella llorando que hace a Gohan explotar, me gusta más. Igual, Toriyama se arriesgó mucho para hacer esta pelea

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Super Luigi Bros Z!!!
Super Mario characters in Toriyamas artstyle

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Toda mi vida voy a pensar que Toriyama no sabía la edad de Pan cuando hizo estos diseños. Simplemente no me creo que tenga 9/12 años. Creo que la diseñó pensando en una adolescente, porque es que la ropa es too much para una niña tan pequeña

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Toriyama has taught me to stop caring about drawing characters' heights realistically, even if you give them actual realistic canon heights; just draw their heights based on their vibe, it's more fun and can help the characters stand out more

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(5/4) Happy Birthday Akira-san. R.I.P. You will not be forgotten.🤠🙏🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉

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Might be late when it comes to news. But it's really sad about hearing about Akira Toriyama's passing.
I'm only alright at pixel art. so i give my time to attempt and understand on how to draw Goku and Vegeta somehow.

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Mega proud of this one! My Tribute to Toriyama Sensei!

Son Goku in his SSJGSSJ glory ^^

Supah Saiyajin Buru no...POWA DAHHHHH!!!

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so glad to have been able to join in on this. between dragon ball, dr slump, and chrono trigger, toriyama's work was a huge part of my childhood. still doesn't feel real that he's gone. https://t.co/xf2RSz9XKH

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鳥山明先生、TARAKOさんの追悼イラスト ご冥福をお祈りします。

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人生で初めて描いた孫悟空とちびまる子ちゃん。小学生の時に書くのを諦めたアラレちゃん。鳥山明先生、TARAKOさんの追悼イラスト ご冥福をお祈りします。

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