If you give Felix the choice to choose between Clyde or your crew, he says screw you I’ve got a family!! Or something along those lines. I may have cried a bit hearing that 🥺❤️

1 5

First Contact

saw a post that was ab Felix only being on the Groundbreaker until the Captain comes along & the concept absolutely floored me so i needed to make some art ab it. that art turned into a five panel comic lmao.....

7 19

Still a couple more characters to add but here's my progress on my crew of the Unreliable in 's game, .

4 31

推しNPCも描いた 歯磨き粉は適当に描いた  

8 14


23 57

oh I almost forgot to put these here too! That line gladys has abt how phineas used to dance is VERY cute (and something my captain won't stop bothering him abt)

1 7

Phineas Vernon Welles (I think my second favourite Outer Worlds character...so far!). 😊

19 86


15 49

The sassy and enigmatic mercenary medic, Ellie.
Who is your favourite companion form
(I think Ellie might be my favourite, she has some killer dialogue :) )

1 27

The sweet and endearing mechanic, Parvati.
Who is your favourite companion form

3 50