Ah, speaking of April fools, it's also Matt's birthday today~

TPPM Game link: https://t.co/ItcY9z3L3v

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It's 22nd March, and you know what that means...
It's The Punniest Pun Messter's 3rd Anniversary!

Here's Lynnette and Akila to celebrate!

Download for free: https://t.co/ItcY9z3L3v
Play Store: https://t.co/F5cKlKPiOc

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It's 29th August, and it's Seth's birthday! This sticker reminds me when I'm smiling out of formality but barely holding it inside...

Anyway, my childhood friend recently found out I made games... Please... bury me...

Download TPPM: https://t.co/ItcY9yM9EV

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Here's an anniversary art to celebrate 1000+ downloads and World Water Day! Thank you all for giving this punny game so much love!


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Two more days until 2nd anniversary!

Here's a sneak peek of the WiP anniversary art!


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Exactly one month until The Punniest Pun Messter's 2nd Anniversary!! I'll definitely make a special illustration to celebrate!

Download telegram stickers: https://t.co/JPLolerPcG

Download game: https://t.co/ItcY9z4iT3

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"Ah... So it's already that day again, huh...
Thanks for the cake, but you do know that I--
Ah, never mind. I suppose I can treat myself today. I'll ask Young Master for a day off tomorrow just in case my allergies act up..."

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Some of my favorite stickers... You can tell which character I put most effort in (*cough* Lynne *cough*) and how despondence and irritation are always represented by Akila and Rico respectively

Get for free: https://t.co/ntcS8ydQoP

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Hi, everyone! I know no one asked for it, but to celebrate Rico's birthday and Early New Years/Late Christmas, here are some free stickers for Telegram! Right now there are only 20, but I'll be updating frequently~



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I know no one asked for it, but I'm in the process of making stickers/emotes for telegram/discord. I'll share it with y'all once I collate more.
Also, these are my only two facial expressions throughout the week. I am so done.

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It's 11th November, and it's our best girl's birthday! Here's a sketch I drew in

"Heh, you remember my birthday? Where's my present? ... What, you didn't prepare one!? Then I'll have to make you my sidekick for today!"


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Done updating TPPM's trivia book! Now it contains more artwork and has Lynne and Akila's trivia inside! Here are some screenshots. https://t.co/CxQk461dal

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I'm currently updating TPPM's trivia book, and I'm gonna leave a few pages for QnA so feel free to ask any questions about here, and I'll put it in the trivia book (with your name, if you wish)!
Anyway, have a meme!

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I missed but I've had lots of time to draw. Here's the BB-catching trio, Seth, Lynne and Akila from "The Punniest Pun Messter", who are also making a brief appearance in "Meme Detective"!


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Well, now that "Our Toy Box" is out of the way, it's time to focus back on Meme Detective! Here's one of the CGs that will replace the prologue.
Huh. Looks familiar. players, can anyone guess who he is?
(Also, I might delay MD again, so sorry!)

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Happy Since finals are finally over I'm gonna continue working on "Save You". I don't have any screenshots to show today, but here's a sketch of Akila from (spoiler alert haha) Also check out my pinned tweet for art

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Here are some characters from my VN, The Punniest Pun Messter! (#TPPM) https://t.co/n1thpMQPse

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I tried to draw best girl Lynn from 's "The Punniest Pun Messter" as a birthday present. Didn't go as planned. But happy birthday! Lynn is best girl!

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Hi I am El.Seth. I think my best known work is The Punniest Pun Messter (#TPPM), a meme-intensive game with terrible puns 24/7 (yes, it has an actual plot). I also make webtoons. Rn I'm working with on "Piece by Piece" for

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