The Children of Triton 123
It will be a busy summer going back and forth between the hospital, the apartment, and home while thinking he looks quite well😒

30 318

The Children of Triton 122
My husband was released from hospital. But he has to stay in an apartment near the hospital (so do I) until he goes into remission😑

28 253

The Children of Triton 121
If there are strong water-repellent coating items that don't get dirty, not just for cat litter boxes but also for elderly care products

26 338

The Children of Triton 120
I'm wondering if it's possible to make a cat litter box with a strong Teflon coating that removes dirt and odors with just one wash?

21 266

海のトリトンの子供達 141
Triton, who has little love experience, can't read the room when Sasaki is looking for love😅😔😑

30 351

海のトリトンの子供達 140
I think Triton is the only anime character who is a henpecked husband
The other couple is Giroro and Natsumi...I guess🙄

16 292

The Children of Triton 119
I get depressed when I only draw about serious stories, so I want to include some silly episodes in between.😁

43 395

The Children of Triton 118
I don't know if it's a bug in the X, but I see strange behavior frequently😒
I try not to think about anything anymore😑

22 305

The Children of Triton 116
The deep sea has no sunlight and lacks oxygen, so an incredible ecosystem exists compared to the land😱

14 256

The Children of Triton 115
In the meantime, I think I'm a devilish wife because I think I can draw manga without worrying about my family😅😓😑

18 336

The Children of Triton 114
My husband, who has leukemia, will be hospitalized for four months starting this weekend for a bone marrow transplant🤨😅😒

13 266

The Children of Triton 113
Rather than saying ” It's a serious violation” if X could rephrase it to ” Ask for your cooperation” it would feel completely different😒

21 326

The Children of Triton 112
My account gets locked regularly, but I haven't committed any serious violations, and I'm sure neither do you!😅

17 267

The Children of Triton 111
Thank you for like, reposting, and following!
Thank you very much!😊😊😊

23 316

The Children of Triton 111
メンズのTシャツって無地、縞、プリント 迷彩、以外に選択が無いよね。描く時悩む😓
When it comes to men's T-shirts, there are no other options besides plain, striped, printed, or camouflage.

21 307

The Children of Triton 110
At those types of tourist destinations, I often see people who are not locals, and I sometimes wonder where the locals are🤨

29 371

The Children of Triton 109
When you go to popular tourist spots or other places that attract people don't you find many rogues doing business there?🤨

22 304

The Children of Triton 108
Based on my experience, it seems that people who disrespect others when they are young are punished by God when they get older😒

28 334

The Children of Triton 107
A lot of bot accounts have been wiped out
I couldn't help but laugh when I saw someone lose 3500 followers all at once. Sorry😂

23 263

The Children of Triton 106
Thank you for liking, reposting, and following!
Sorry for the late reply!😓😅😂

34 406