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& おめでとうございます!!!

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️ 🎇🎆Happy New Year 🎇🎆 ✨01/01/2022✨

GOOD BYE NTWEWY21 Let's welcome NTWEWY 22

The Team of Neku wish you all a happy new year ✨🎆🎍 Wish everyone a happy New Year 2022 🎉

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Happy New Years everyone!

Thank you for the fantastic year and to for an amazing twewy21 ❤

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Not quite New Year's here yet, but here's a few of my art highlights from TWEWY21.

This was one of the best years for me in a long while, in large part thanks to the TWEWY fandom and the people in it.

Hope to keep it up into next year! ✨

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What a lovely year for TWEWY fans 🥲🙏 Here are some of my favorite, bigger pieces I did in 2021. Here's hoping for more in 2022!
Happy new year, lovelies! 🎆

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Let's welcome the new TWEWY 22!! The NeShiki zine crew wishes you for a happy New Year! ✨🎆🎍

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Neku is also my son. I think he's neat and watching his growth was nice. Can't wait for him in TWEWY2.

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two separate new year pieces, just for twewy21 🥳

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Nomura really called me out on my fav character types-

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So, is everyone hype for TWEWY2? Here's a good boy Rindo as a thanks to my buddy (which let's be honest; he just gave me a good excuse to draw him!) Thanks again :)

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I'm just happy we're getting a The World Ends with You sequel.

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I had to draw Fret. I absolutely love his design

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More TWEWY art comes! This times it’s both protags together

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so excited about the twewy sequel!! it looks amazing!!💖💖 here’s my fav from the trailer!

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My inner and outer fangirl had to do it.

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