WHEEZES...I finished drawing Sylvain and Ingrid from that request thread that I lost the link to

Sylvain-->Pamiri Tajik (not related to the Tajiks in Tajikistan)
Ingrid-->Tatar (tho I didn't pay attention which region...oops)

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The "Oxus Treasures" are artifacts from the Achaemenid Persian Empire that were found at a fort called "Takht-i Kuwad" in modern day Tajikstan
They were found in the 19th century by merchants from Bukhara, and while travelling to Kabul there were robbed

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Buy these books ASAP:

-Lost Enlightenment by F. Starr

-The Heritage of Central Asia: From Antiquity to the Turkish Expansion by R.N. Frye

-A History of the Tajiks: Iranians of the East by Foltz

-Persianate Selves: Memories of Place and Origin Before Nationalism by M. Kia

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