Thank you to these new followers

Whats your favourite race, class and weapon?

Image © Takeda11

2 1

Hello to this new exploration party!

Dwarf fighter
Dwarf druid
Goliath druid
Human wizard
Dragonborn noble

Image © Takeda11

1 17

Big hello to these new followers

What spell, skill or feat would you like IRL?

Image © Takeda11

0 1

Big hello to this new adventuring party!

Genasi noble
Elf rogue
Half-giant barbarian
Hafling rogue

Image © Takeda11

1 8

Big hello to this new adventuring party!

Tiefling barbarian
Gnome barbarian
Dwarf cleric
Dwarf fighter
Dragonborn cleric
Human noble
Tabaxi druid

Image © Takeda11

0 8

Big thank-you to these new followers

What is your favourite aspect of /

Image © Takeda11

1 7

Hello to this new exploration party!

Half-Elf druid
Goliath barbarian
Half-Elf sorcerer
Aarakocra noble
Hafling barbarian

Image © Takeda11

0 6

Ready-up, a team of new adventurers has formed!

Human rogue
Firbolg fighter
Dwarf wizard
Hafling barbarian

Image © Takeda11

0 4

Hello to this new exploration party!

Dwarf monk
Tabaxi fighter
Dwarf cleric
Half-Elf bard
Human noble
Goliath bard
Half-giant druid
Tabaxi fighter

Image © Takeda11

0 6

Big hello to this new adventuring party!

Human rogue
Hafling noble
Firbolg fighter
Gnome rogue
Hafling druid

Image © Takeda11

0 5

Hey awesome new followers, why not introduce yourself

Whats your favourite / class to play?

Image © Takeda11

3 6

Hello to this new exploration party!

Human wizard
Half-giant sorcerer
Half-Elf fighter
Genasi fighter
Dragonborn fighter

Image © Takeda11

2 9