Cover illustration for Vol.3 of the short story series based on the light novel written by Takemachi and illustrated by Tomari, "Spy Kyoushitsu (Spy Classroom): Short Stories", on sale October 20, 2022.

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Se ha anunciado de manera oficial que las novelas ligeras escritas por e ilustradas por tendrán su adaptación al 😍💥📺

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Foi anunciado uma adaptação em anime de "Spy Classroom" baseado na novel de Takemachi e Tomari. A produção é do estúdio Feel.

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Light Novel 'Spy Kyoushitsu' Gets TV Anime

The Fantasia Bunko Online Festival 2022 livestream announced on Saturday that Takemachi‘s Spy Kyoushitsu (Spy Classroom) is receiving a television anime adaptation. The event also announced the main staff, cast, teaser visual (picture

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Spy Classroom Light Novels Inspire TV Anime Adaptation

Spy Classroom Light Novels Inspire TV Anime Adaptation Some fresh announcements came out of Sunday’s Fantasia Bunko Online Festival 2022 live stream, including news of a TV anime that will adapt Takemachi’s Spy Classroom—A

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Klaus:Yuichiro Umehara
Lily:Sora Amamiya

Original Creator:Takemachi
Original Character Design:Tomari
Directed:Keiichiro Kawaguchi
Series Composition:Shinichi Inotsume
Character Design:Sumie Kinoshita

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Klaus Illustration from SpyRoom V1

Spy Room



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