Takoyaki's Bloody ⚘️... that's the name of my yume It is a combination of what we both like, that's why the name is like that. ❤️😇 https://t.co/1pWx9Vo5uu

3 10

たこ焼きくん( )とトマトくん( )とかしのきでカレンダーを作りました!

74 148

We're going to be turned into takoyaki!!

29 142


36 477


Growlie eating takosen, which is a shrimp rice cracker topped with sauce, mayonnaise, tempura dregs, aonori (green laver) and other toppings. Takoyaki may also be placed on top.

60 590

*orv - cw // genderbend , female dokja

gusy, help, istriku ngambek, tadi dia minta dibeliin takoyaki, terus dia marah karena takoyaki yang ku beli isinya telur, bukan gurita 😔

0 5

連続イブキ漫画「 TAKOYAKI 」#ブルアカ

2 11

A place where you can eat fresh takoyaki.

17 56

znnk / zanniko rkgk

takoyaki date!

172 1194

スペース・ギフト TAKOYAKI(フリーズドライ)

154 664

これはあつあつたこ焼きのトラップにかかったイナ🐙(This is Ina’nis fell into the trap of extremely hot TAKOYAKI.)

805 5569