The temple of Zaan the Scalecaller, abandoned by it's Dragon Lord long ago, now holds a new cult that threatens all of Tamriel. 🐺 ⚔️🐺🏹🏰🐎

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It's Flicks-His-Tongue again😉Such a sensual argonian. He promises to be the best lover in Tamriel. He's whistling trying to get you to come over.

10 39

My friend wants to run a homebrew DND game & I'm rolling a Warforged cleric/paladin. This is Designation 1515 aka Des-15 or Des. Artwork by . Des wants to start a Warforged revolution in Tamriel. What movie/book do you think I should watch or read to get inspired?

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Spoiler Alert- This is the most amazing surprise to run across in all of Kudos to the devs. It's gorgeous!

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let’s start with the obvious, the character I’ve been obsessing over for about a year now:


He’s my Dragonborn character, an Imperial who was also cursed with lycanthropy. He has to deal with that while at the same time keeping a heroic image to save Tamriel.

1 4

Back to Tamriel. Weeks later, we still haven't fought that gaddamn vampire. We'll be doing some more story in tonight!

4 13

Happy White Day to Bowson. The greatest beauty in all of... ...... ...Tamriel. I 100% didn't have to look that up.

I mean, Skyrim and Morrowind are set in Skyrim and Morrowind, why wouldn't Oblivion be in Oblivion?

3 27

hol up, wood elf?... but you're not a Bosmer though, right? you don't seem like you're from Tamriel....

but lookin at you, you're probably light as a feather! i could probably carry you with one arm

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AHHH my half of an art trade with , featuring her Nerevarine Endryn and my beloved Servyn 🥺 This was not at all an excuse to live out a hc of mine where some daedra decide living in Oblivion sucks and decide to live humble lives as shop owners across Tamriel...

20 59

You worship Talos do you? The false, fake god. You know that is banned across Tamriel. My blade is plenty wet today so I'll give you one chance to discard this foolishness and denounce your foolish ways.

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name's Grakka, and I'm ya rough n tumble big sister Orc from Tamriel. we're on a hekken mind-blowin adventure through this Twitter wilderness, so grab ya gear and come join us!

User Manual:

25 109

"The rest of the Second Era was a time of great darkness and chaos throughout Tamriel. The Imperial City itself became the prize for an endless series of would-be emperors, until its glory was only a faded shadow of the great days when it ruled Tamriel."


13 168

"You have found a wolf, and sent the beast to flocks of sheep."

--Attributed to Vanus Galerion, in response to the Psijic Order exiling Mannimarco to mainland Tamriel.

34 311

The fact you can make things like couches and beds in ESO implies there’s foam or foam substitutes in the ESO universe. And those little animal head toys exist, so you can make head pieces that look like animals.

My point is that it’s extremely likely fursuits exist in Tamriel.

25 245

A stranger in once gave me a loaf of crusty bread. And to this day I bring it with me everywhere I go. It has seen every corner and crevice of Tamriel. I wonder what that stranger is doing now...

3 24

"We must march on Cyrodiil, overthrow the false empress and all her brood, and restore the Empire of Tamriel. Then once more peace and justice will rule the provinces, rather than blood and fire."

--High King Emeric, on reforming the Empire of Tamriel, after its fall from grace

29 331

"Nature's guardians, my foot!"

--Commonly heard expression of frustration with Spriggans by the denizens of Tamriel.

12 191

I'm off to the continent of Tamriel. Who shall I be today? An assassin, barbarian, sorcerer, or something entirely else?

I'll be back!

1 11

No matter the threat, no matter the foe, they will continue to fight any and all threats to Tamriel.

ft. Lyris Titanborn and Sai Sahan of

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