Kaomemes 3. Hooooooooy aka sujetando el té con el escote desde 2019.

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A little update of this Rebecca sketch, with her new desing (ears and color)

Maybe I finish rhe illustration, even if the challenge is already dead 😁

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something compelled me to do the booba boba thing with a milf so. Melony from SWSH

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A lil dumdum😂

Updated an old wip for a very old trend x'D

(Why was there so many gdamn hashtags for one trend dhdbd)

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Bubble tea challenge with my friend's OC, Vladicatra

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Traté de colorearlo usando pinceles texturizados pero no mas no logro entender como funcionan =(
Ya me desanimé y lo terminé x terminarlo.
No me gusta como quedó :(

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Rinze taking on the Bubble Tea Challenge!

Illustrated by TeriyakiPigeon
Morino Rinze 杜野凛世 / IdolM Shiny Colors © Bandai Namco Games

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Yuika failing the bubble tea challenge.....

Illustrated by TeriyakiPigeon 2019
Mitsumine Yuika / IdolM Shiny Colors © Bandai Namco Games

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Me preguntó si lo hacen por moda o por molestar a Rin?

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Cuando intentaste hacer el tapioca Challenger que resultado obtuviste?

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comisión terminada de ARTEMIS muchas gracias nwn

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Yeah, He again, 😅 This my version of with beer version because He's is very macho. 😊

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Tapioca Challenge (Pixel-Art.)

Big soft muffins will solve the problem.

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