Roberto Ferri (born 1978) is an Italian artist and painter from Taranto, Italy, who is deeply inspired by Baroque painters (Caravaggio in particular) and other old masters of Romanticism, the Academy, and Symbolism. ... Roberto-Ferri ... Lilith

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'No vacation'

Latest mural for Progetto Trust in Taranto, Italy. With my new family Gúlia Urbana ❤️ Grazie.

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Antonella Massetti Lucarella es una artista italiana (Taranto, 1954) de quien he compartido cuadros alguna vez pero no le he dedicado un merecido hilo. Mezcla delicadamente dibujo y pintura para reforzar la expresividad y es modernamente atemporal e introspectiva.

👇🏻Abro hilo.

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Vasca a Villa Taranto, Lago Maggiore. Il Capitano Mc Eacharn la descrive come "sensazionale in estate, con squisiti fiori di loto, rosa, bianco, giallo... gradini ricurvi e forma insolita sono stati adattati da un giardino portoghese."

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Pool at Villa Taranto,Lake Maggiore. Captain Mc Eacharn describes it as 'sensational in summer, with exquisite lotus flowers, pink, white, yellow' He adapted '[its] wide curving steps and uncommon shape from one in a Portuguese garden'.

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©Roberto Ferri.
1978 Taranto, Italy.

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©Roberto Ferri.
1978 Taranto, Italy

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Roberto Ferri (born 1978) is an Italian artist and painter from Taranto, Italy, who is deeply inspired by Baroque painters (Caravaggio in particular) and other old masters of Romanticism, the Academy, and Symbolism.

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Few more photos of RN Fiume in Taranto, 1933 & 11/04/1936 and in La Spezia in the summer of 1934.

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Ko-fi reward! With every donation I will give an ancient doodle. Here is a 'Terracotta Group of Aphrodite and Eros Riding on a Goose', c.380 BC; Taranto, Italy. Housed at .

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