The disabled character OTD is...

Tony Masters, better known as the Taskmaster!

After injecting himself with a knock-off Super-Soldier Serum during his time with S.H.I.E.L.D., Taskmaster's hippocampus, a part of the brain linked with memory and learning, was severely damaged.

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she is a victim. Nat's guilt symbol. When she becomes a villain for no reason, Natasha becomes an idiot. I want her to be a Red Widow or Recluse(anya) like in comics. And I want her to hand over the taskmaster's mantle to a man named Tony Masters.

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The taskmaster's 40-year history was blown away by a fuck shit character named Antonia dreykov. MCU, who decided to keep the fake, insulted George. Eric Pearson set him up as another Black Widow agent.

If so, why did they use an alternate taskmaster?.

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Please give the taskmaster's mantle to a man named Tony Masters.
Antonia is a victim. When she becomes a villain for no reason, Natasha becomes an idiot. I wants her to be the hero Red Widow or Recluse(anya) who saves women.

1 7

Please give the taskmaster's mantle to a man named Tony Masters.
Antonia is a victim. When she becomes a villain for no reason, Natasha becomes an idiot. I wants her to be the hero Red Widow or Recluse(anya) who saves women.

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For her, the Taskmaster is effectively a symbol and a slave to her father(evil), the perpetrator who brainwashed her. I wish someone else (Tony Masters) would receive the taskmaster's mantle. As much as the "taskmaster protocol".

like mandarin case.

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And quests that reward you with different costumes that have their own different stat boosts and perks.

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It would have been better if the taskmaster's daughter had been kidnapped by the dreykov and had no choice but to be threatened.

and, from the taskmaster's point of view, he would have been forced to follow Dreykov to save his daughter.

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After they ruined the taskmaster and killed Tony, the taskmaster's name was passed on to the Russian-born Widow. I hate it the most.
As in the case of Mandarin, please bring an American man named Tony Masters who is a real taskmaster.
"OK to read"

1 4

Marvel, admit you guys are wrong, change Antonia to "Red Widow" or "recluse", then hand over the taskmaster's title to Tony Masters, or tell him that Tony Masters exists separately like the Mandarin.

I hate seeing fakes armed with chips and suits again.

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I want Antonia to become "Red Widow" and hand over the taskmaster's mantle to "Tony Masters".
For her, taskmaster is now a nightmare, so it's more realistic to come out with a different identity.
Red Guardian actor David also mentioned the Winter Guard.

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The writer himself said he changed identity (around the 3rd or 4th draft of the script) to remove Anthony Masters and replace her.

This happened after production and casting had started (even the a tie in mobile game had OT's face modeled under the mask)

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Let's just look at the real taskmaster.

The mcu's taskmaster is a fake that stole the taskmaster's name.

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+Ultimate Taskmaster's design doesn't resembles a Skull so it wouldn't have been a problem in the China.

They literally used the same mask in Fortnite for China bruh

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it's the same level as the TV series

Yelena's sacrifice and Dreykov's death was stupid, Taskmaster's reveal was disappointing, and don't you dare say that the guy in the Prison is actually the ["Ursa" Major]

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I thought it was pretty okay. The ending felt a little off to me, but 616 Miles is neat and it was nice to see the Ultimate universe is still around. Also, I really liked Taskmaster's new design.

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Well friends, it's been a month without Taskmaster. I know it's been tough on all of us, but how about a Taskmaster Tuesday in advance of TASKMASTER coming out next week? In which we see Taskmaster's website, and promises are kept from PUNISHER

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A concept: Taskmaster's school for supervillains, but it's Roderick Kingsley/Hobgoblin giving lessons on costumes/fashion and branding/identity.

I know he was franchising low-level villain gimmicks & selling them to bad guys for a profit for a bit. An extension of that maybeee?

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in comics, shield has 3 times been shown to have a Bladed Edge. It has been shown to sever body parts. Do not FcK with Taskmaster's Shield

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Upcoming Toys Reveal Red Guardian's Shield and Taskmaster's Weapons

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