my other painting from my workshop for the Art Guild of Louisiana. painted w watercolors on paper w I need a title for this one, too!

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One of the two paintings I demonstrated in my workshop for the Art Guild of Louisiana, using watercolors on paper with Suggestions for a title are greatly appreciated!

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Day 1 of my workshop 4 Art Guild of Louisiana, working on 2 paintings. Fabulous group. so good to see so many familiar faces!

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This is the painting from my online workshop last weekend, and I really need a title for it. Anybody got any ideas for me?

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Exciting Online Course starting as soon as NEXT WEEK! Join Anahita Akhavan in ONLINE: Drawing Basics starting Tuesday, July 21-August 11, 6PM-8:30PM. Learn more at TSA:

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Expand your Drawing practice in Life Drawing 2: Concepts and Content with Thomas Hendry starting Wednesday, Feb. 19-March 25, 6:30PM- 9:30PM.

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The Painted Word with Tina Poplawski is the start to your abstraction painting practice. Get in studio starting Wednesdays, Feb. 19, 10AM-1PM.

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A spring oasis isn't quite here in Toronto, but you can make them happen on canvas in our studios. Join Painting 1 &2 starting Saturday April 21, 12:24PM-3:45PM! \

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