May 28, 2015. By: TeamgalacticV
[7 Yeahs!] [100 replies] (EU)
"Ein Piratеn-Psiau x3 Ich überlege mir noch einen Namen für ihn x3 Wie findet ihr es? :D "

0 1

💫#うさぎゅーん x

La sont les seuls que j'ai fait pour Platine... J'ai pas fait Cynthia encore c'est honteux-

2 9

May 22, 2015. By: TeamgalacticV
[16 Yeahs!] [8 replies] (EU)
"Ein Boreos für Guill. Hoffe es gefällt dir ^^ Und ich hoffe ich hab nicht doch die falsche Form gezeichnet xD "

0 0

Jul 14, 2015. By: TeamgalacticV
[16 Yeahs!] [20 replies] (EU)
"Ich finde das bräuchte eine Fortsetzung. :P "

0 0

Aug 04, 2015. By: TeamgalacticV
[11 Yeahs!] [14 replies] (EU)
"Für Stegishii. Hab kein vernünftiges Bild von Nightmаre gefunden. Hoffe es gefällt dir trotzdem xD "

0 0

Pokemon trainer card series: Team Galactic Boss Cyrus
One with Gyarados and one with Dialga at Spear Pillar. I'm crying at how these turned out!

3 10

Hey guys just made a Cyrus Trainer Card! I might do more of these for the other villains and trainers in the series!

2 5

Mar 10, 2015. By: TeamgalacticV
[13 Yeahs!] [12 replies] (EU)
"Sira :D "

1 1

I had a dream that I made this so I actually made it lol I love the commander uniform in DPPt. A lot. SO I made me in one with my babby. Insert battle theme here
Also happy very late day

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