the splatfest is over but I'm still gonna finish this... BC HOW DID SALSA WIN 3-0

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Sorry I haven't played the splatfest yet. I was too busy doing this~!

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Gonna make a final push for Spatfest tonight on stream ~ 8:30 PM EST / 5:30 PST / 1:30 AM GMT!

Guacamole? More like guaca-NO-le

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Just posting this hear even though Im kinda late. Good luck splatting Team Salsa!

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Pearl was basically flirting on live TV.

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A delicious is upon us! or Which will you dip all your chips in?

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WHO ON IS READY FOR TONIGHT? I am so excited, please join the Monsters in the Night Discord for some VC antics and fun get-togethers!


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For Vian
Hopefully, you choose Guacamole, then this would be worth nothing.

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Guac burger for Marie and spicy salsa for Callie (maybe a bit too spicy?)

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Whether you’re dipping chips or bulking up your burrito, deciding between and is always a struggle. Put an end to the argument this Friday when the to determine the condiment king goes live on 11/16 at 8:00pm!

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