画質 高画質

[ Wanted.]
I have not received any commissions from June to July! Original characters are of course OK, NSFW OK! The minimum amount is 3,000 JPY, so please feel free to submit your request.

↓Click here for the link

10 14

These are some of the things I've been drawing lately.
I stripped him naked to check his balance.
But drawing him was difficult and I was frustrated.😂
(This was a fan art of a fan fiction.😭)

13 258

あなたのサークル「Frosted...」は、コミックマーケット104で「月曜日 東地区 “k” ブロック 29b」に配置されました!コミケWebカタログにてサークル情報ページ公開中です!


46 113

 Good morning!

"At night, this place has a creepy atmosphere that feels like it could be haunted."

45 221

[#Commissions Wanted.]
I have no commissions (illustrations/comics) available from June to July, so please feel free to ask me for commissions! Original characters are of course OK, and NSFW OK! The minimum amount is 3,000 JPY, so please feel free to request.🌸

↓link here

9 14

Blue zone = Cut-off area
This is where the book is cut.
If you want the illustration to cover the entire page
Please draw your illustration in this section as well.
The outside of the blue area will not be printed.

1 2

【第五人格6周年イラコン用】strawberry party | 烏間ル https://t.co/wTyzDp8J2o
Reproducing all or any part of the contents is prohibited.
Do not share with any third party.

190 868

Today, I'm working on a rough draft of an illustration for an ENVtuber with whom I'm doing business directly via DM!

I will send it to you by DM when it is completed.

1 9

pixivFANBOX has been updated.

I have uploaded a high resolution image of the illustration I uploaded to X the other day, before cropping.

The one attached to this post is a low-resolution version, but the overall image looks roughly like this. Thank you for your support🙇🏻

6 34

pixivFANBOX has been updated.

We have added a high-resolution version of the illustration we recently uploaded to X, as well as an image that allows you to see the entire image before cropping.

The overall image looks like this. Thank you for your support🙇🏻

51 372

I'm not good at English. I want people who like デュエス♠♥ to read it. The English translation is my goodwill.
Unauthorized use prohibited.

10 22

This is a congratulatory illustration for the completion of Kanburiya's manga story, featuring her and the stray cat Koko she adopted.🐱❤️

41 272

I'm recruiting Skeb. Furrycharacter, color, monochrome, comic, deformed, NSFW, etc. are supported.
I will draw it in the situation you want.
You can also specify transparency and size to match icons and thumbnails.


1 20

I want to draw new outfit! 💜💜
I don't know when it will be completed.

13 64

I now have 20 pictures painted on skeb 🌟.
Thank you to those who requested...!

8 30

no...I'm not...It's complicated.

3 14

This is another attempt to look for my fellow Genshin player to befriend with. Is there anyone who's willing to fill up my timeline as my new kawanbabu ? I just got back so there's barely anything in my account. Kindly leave your TMI or any queries if you're interested. (cont..)

0 2

In case you don't remember, that was the background I wanted to do xd the floor was supposed to be like water (or there was a layer of water) and the express was reflected.

But then I had problems with the painting and I abandoned the drawing :p

0 1

The list has been updated. We have already drawn the lots and will proceed shortly. Slayer will be added soon....

4 118