BONUS: Julia Chang & ... Amingo from mvc2?!? - Fighters from the North American deserts with a common 'green' goal
(+1 not-darkstalker)

163 768

Miharu & Mei-Ling +Panda - The girls went shopping to buy gifts for Hsien-Ko and Xiaoyu

101 364

Jedah & Devil Kazumi - Nearly 50 years ago, Jedah visited the Hachijō clan to work out a deal. Today, he seeks to redraft a pact without the clan.

89 360

Anna Williams & B.B. Hood - Another day, another dollar for these assassins in red

481 1721

Q-bee & Alisa - "Float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee"

199 718

Morrigan & Lili - Life is much more fun outside the castle for these girls

440 1747

Sasquatch & Kuma - Can't let good food go to waste!

112 393

Unknown & Jon Talbain - Possessed by the wolves

182 791

Ogre & Anakaris - The worshipped rulers of ancient civilisations

120 374

Bryan Fury & Lord Raptor - The mainstay Zombies that laugh maniacally

70 248

Huitzil & Mokujin - the ancient nature-loving guardians only awaken to carry out their mission

231 906

Donovan & Zafina (with Anita) - The cursed demon hunters

79 274

Ling Xiaoyu & Hsien-Ko - the energetic and graceful Chinese fighters

337 1314

King & Felicia - They like sharing rolling and pouncing techniques

2986 10375

Lee Chaolan & Rikuo - fighting with style and class

86 331