OOF I am DONE! My finished piece for the gift exchange! I got to do a super cute Apprentice pair up, Luchesi!

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Some answers to a couple of tumblr prompts I'm rather happy with!

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For ! My Arcana apprentice as a selkie, cause seals are super cute and chubby! This was entirely too fun...#TempestsArt

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Late, but a quick little "Easter" thing I did at the behest of a fellow zine artist; My Arcana MC dressed in a bunny girl outfit (cause who doesn't like the shamless classics?) HAPPY (belated) EASTER!

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Because has been inspiring me so, here's a portrait of my Pathfinder Bard, Yaspira!

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numbers 3 and 4! A Mummy babe, and a garden witch! I shall do today's a bit later!

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