I've drawn Zacharias a couple of times before for tendercember, so I wanted to give him a proper reference sheet~

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This is the last piece I did for my Tendercember for my boyfriend~

I can't express just how much I love this man, but I will continue to try through art~

The man on the left is @/Godbirdart while the one on the right is me~

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Juro's sneaky, he made a tiny door in the door so he could steal a kiss from Caligula~ No Homo tho~

So this December I decided to do a Tendercember, drawing my lovely man @/Godbirdart some art~

Caligula belongs to @/Godbirdart

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Took Zicko a long while to find big enough candy canes for Turbatio but he managed!~

So this December I decided to do a Tendercember, drawing my lovely man @/Godbirdart some art~

Turbatio the big guy belongs to @/Godbirdart

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Kenneth is teaching Arthenos how to make Kræmmerhuse, since they're a danish tradition~ It's perhaps not going all too well hehe~

So this December I decided to do a Tendercember, drawing my lovely man @/Godbirdart some art~

Arthenos belongs to @/Godbirdart

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Sometimes Stephan just wants to give Robert a tiny kiss~

So this December I decided to do a Tendercember, drawing my lovely man @/Godbirdart some art~

Robert belongs to @/Godbirdart

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Claude's too short to put the last piece of the snowman up, so Seb was kind enough to give him a lift~

So this December I decided to do a Tendercember, drawing my lovely man @/Godbirdart some art~

Sebastian belongs to @/Godbirdart

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Scarves are useful tools to grab yourself a kiss~ Kenneth sure has a great use of it~

So this December I decided to do a Tendercember, drawing my lovely man @/Godbirdart some art~

Arthenos belongs to @/Godbirdart

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