So we made made it to the final day of Just one final day of Tendou love (not that stops every day from being Tendou loving day 😊). Can't wait to see what everyone created for the final day 😭

(Goshiki doesn't want him to graduate 🙄)

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A little late but day 6 is here! Just one more day to go! (Ugly crying but sigh of relief). Prompts are below but as usual, you have no obligation to follow them if you want to create something last minute! Just tag and I'll find it! ~♡

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Here’s a late one from day 4. The prompt was “fashion” so I put Tendou in some creepyyeha inspired clothes!

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Time for day 5~☆

All the fanfiction can be found here! still catching up but the works posted so far have been amazing! Be sure to check them out!~♡

(Forgot to tag these icon doodles were done by me VERY last minute 😅)

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Time for day 4 of Tendou week!~💕

Poor baby got stuck at work while everyone is at the beach without him.

We're at the half way point and all you're all fantastic! Can't wait to see what else you all come up with 😊💕

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Almost (no. I did) forgot to post this before sharing todays works!

Happy bitrhday to this adorable lil G I F T and don't forget to share other artists/writers work and give it love!

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I'm legitimately disappointed in myself for this but it didnt want to come together at all 😖😖 might draw something else later but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST BBY BOY EVER T.T

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One of the Day two prompts was “pets” so I decided to draw a companion piece to the Ushijima one I did a bit ago.

Now it’s Tendou with hawk Ushijima! Let the chaos ensue

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DAY TWO OF TENDOU WEEK!!!! Prompt was Guess monster/fantasy AU

Tendou as the näcken cos reading minds and whatnot

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it's miracle boi, TENDOU SATORI'S birthday so i just had to draw him 🥳

wish him a happy birthday, y'all 🎉

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Day 2 of

Prompts for today are as follows but if you want to join last minute, you don't have to follow them to be shared here!

Just tag the above and/or this page to be shared here!~

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Prompt was otp, formal wear and dance AU? idk, i ingnored most of that cos slow dancing after graduation day ushiten🤷🏻‍♂️

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