Wings always fascinate me - birds, butterflies, dragonflies bats....(pigs!) The structures, textures, materials and patterns are so diverse - what

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Busy week, so just having with and before the . Have a good one! (Paper texture shows up well through the pastels) -

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Talking of ox-eye daisies here are some on the verge near us. also gave me the opportunity for foliage textures using synthetic sponge printng

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with to mimic textures - here's a flock of sheep - (not sure what to do next for the creativity train)

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The camouflage project that started with the mountain lion (tweeted yesterday) includes some local (image L) and was one of the things that got me interested in threatened with - 'Hidden Tiger' (image R)

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Something for s and painters. Using to mimic rocky surfaces, I liked the first result, but it was a bit lifeless so added a mountain lion. It became the first of a series about camouflage

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enjoyed walk 2day. recent work on lichen and blossom made me look at the world differently. the last of my self portraits and the first pic i genuinely took for this project

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I like finding textures in things, then to try to imitate them using and if I like the results, add the inhabitants. and experiments are such a big part of

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