More than 70 doodles and counting. Union and Dark Road next. THANK YOU, KH TEAM. Hi-res version.

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I lost track of time yesterday and didn't manage to post this but wanted to share still

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it was yesterday?!?? MAN, thank you to the creators and community of this wonderful series for being a constant source of joy and creativity for me across so many years of my life. this silly game abt friendship is my everything 💛

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am late :( I do not have any new stuff to show cos they are all for other zines but here is a cropped compilation of my KH art from early 2019 -> now-ish 2020. Thank you KH for the memories and to many more years to come!!!!!!

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Today's I really love Kingdom hearts because it returned to me my drawing inspiration also I met lots of people sharing the same feeling 🌟

I really love this community ❤#ThankYouKHTeam

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DID YOU KNOW IT IS/WAS KH COMMUNITY DAY!? Thank you for being such a huge part of my life! úwù

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It’s all thanks to KH that I’ve met amazing people, made new friends, found comfort all because of this game. It will always have a special place in my heart♥️
Thank you for everything KH Team!

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means a lot to me, and whether it be making art, theories, or just enjoying being on Nomura's wild ride together- I can't think of a crazier community that I love being a part of!

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Kingdom Hearts has always been my motivation for going forward. Sora's positivity is what I like the most 💖💖 Here I also make friends who genuinely support KH too, I'm blessed! 😄😄
Thank you KH Team!! All the best for you!

9 10

KH has been a game franchise that's been near and dear to my heart for years and the community and love that folks have for it and its characters is so heartwarming Q A Q <3. thank you for all the good times.

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This series has been a comfort in hard times, a connection between friends, and continues to inspire me! Shimomura’s scores for the series always makes my heart swell! KH is forever in my heart. I don’t know who I’d be without it.

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No new art but here's to the series that makes me cry as hard as I laugh.

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Well hey falls on my birthday!
I've learnt a heck of lot during my time here. I've made lifelong friends, made incredible leaps in my artistic journey, and much more.
I grew up with KH, but I'm still growing with it too.
Thank you for the magic.

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learned it was and wanted to draw something for it! KH means a lot to me, i grew up with it and i just love it a whole lot. for such a fun series!

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Just as last year; here is a little piece to thank dearly for the Kingdom Heats series in the community day!

This game has been a great influence and an important part in my life since way back. KH team!

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Happy !! KH has a special place in my heart, I never thought this series was going to be so meaningful to me. It's a reason why I love to draw, hope to make more fanart and merch soon!! 💙💫

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Kingdom Hearts means a lot to me and has inspired me in so many ways! Thank you Team for everything!

28 80

I unfortunately can't post anything new today, but here are a couple of works I'm very fond of.

for a series that changed my life and an enchanting world that inspired me to be the artist I am today!!

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I realized too late community day was today, but I didn't want to miss this so I pulled this sketch out yersterday! 358/2 Days means a lot to me

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It's so I thought I'd share some of my art for this series that means so much to me! There are so many things that have happened in my life because of Kingdom Hearts, so I don't know who I'd be without it!

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