If anyone knows me, you'd know I'm a huge fan of Kazuma & Trinity, but I also love the other snake bois: Yuuki Terumi & Hazama.
I only just got into the fandom in under a year. Been enjoying creating art, cosplay, friendships, and rping thanks to BlazBlue. 🥺💚🐍

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ありがとうございます! 🥲🥺

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for the sickest fighting game ever made as well as my boys Bang and Jubei

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for creating a series that had a huge impact on me as a game artist <3 Blazblue will always have a soft spot in my heart

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for creating a very memorable fighting game series! It was the only fighting game I could really get into. AND I LOVED RAGNA SO MUCH.
I also participated in the Arc System Works Thank you project!! I am still amazed my illustration made it in.

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for creating one of my favorite fighting game characters and series

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My last BBDW art before the game shuts down. It was a fun ride and even met amazing people that also enjoyed the game and the whole Blazblue series.

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