I have things to be for
👇🏼thread recently recieved
a liquid skulls club pass for future drops
fricking LEGENDARY from their collection
piece of lore, history in the making
a beauty for bidding on a beauty

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After having a crazy night/day I hop on to see we are up to 129 minted!!!! THANK YOU TO ANYONE WHO HAS MINTED!~!~!🤍🥳🥂

We are gonna keep this train going all the way to the rocketship!

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Thankyou to everyone who's taken the time to like, retweett or even comment your love and support this last week. I'm so grateful.

When you're so alone in your mind & in life, Twitter always finds the way of making you feel loved

Love to you all 💚🌈

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What a beautiful day! Today is What are you thankful for? We're thankful for all our workers at RNY and to our service users for being so patient and understanding

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This summer, The Foyston, Gordon & Payne Foundation helped us provide an empowering camp experience for 10 young girls!

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