Thank you for running a lot😂😂

555 1137

I really enjoyed drawing
Thanks to MewGulf
Thank you so much🤗💕💕

1297 2494


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This is the first time I'm involved myself deep in a fandom. Even though I'm new (since August). Thank you for making my quarantine colourful, being my emotional support when I made my thesis, motivate me to draw more. Thank you for being a ☀ and 🌻 💛

4 4

I had fun.. thank you you two. Good luck for 2021..see you on top.

0 1

너희둘을 알게된 2020년....
힘들었지만 덕분에 잘 버틸 수 있었어♡
함께 한 모든 순간들이 행복하고 즐거웠어.
너무 고마워~💗
Because of you two, I had amazing year 2020.
Thank you for everything Mew & Gulf.
Love you guys so much 💗

20 53

its been such a fun ride drawing these two this year❤️❤️

168 364

glad i got to know you guys and have you come into my life!! thank you for being my inspiration my muse and the happiness i needed this year 🥰

the 1st day of 2020 was the 1st time I saved photo of you guys and i spent the last few of 2020 with you too ❤️#ThankyouforeverythingMG

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