Bunny Tharja

305 1481

Tharja wielding a club for no particular reason

117 657

Witch tharja with a construction cone hat and stop sign

162 770

Hi! The new year had me busy as hell so i couldnt draw at all :s.
Summer its still killing me, so here, beach time again!

12 38

Tharja skateboarding with a construction cone looking nonchalant but actually vaguely terrified

197 1033

happy friday 13th with Tharja

30 130

THarja wearing a construction cone hat while carrrying a stop sign while holding a pizza ona tray

143 692

revived an abandoned piece from 2019 ? congrats tharja to being the only FE character I've drawn in the last 6 years

37 244

Tharja revision WIP

9 120

Bunny Tharja again again

141 783

Plum & Illyana in Tharja's Christmas Outfit ^^[Fanart]
I hope you like it!!

33 184

chibi tharja holding a fish for no particular reason

137 774

Tharja with thigh highs 💜

236 1147


2 18

ペレジアサーリャ / Plegian Tharja

560 2949

More Tharja wearing a construction cone for no particular reason

282 1449

Bunny Tharja wearing a construction cone and wielding a stop sign for no particular reason

194 1124

Mauve dressed up as Winter Tharja

Made by the awesome

5 36