I think this is my favorite version of as a witch; this may be her final transformation! 2nd Slide is v.2, 3rd is v.1.

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allowed me to use them as a character model in, "The Everntine Chronicles," a few years ago. Jo has had a lot of life updates, so I needed to update their character. Old vs. New, I'm happy to introduce Jo, our miner!

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Raquel is another character I've updated! Original vs. New. Now rocking a styled fade and a gold tooth, she's the baddest chick in the game!

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Gavin got a HUGE update! Original + 3 new emotions. He is Everntine's ferry-and-fisherman, so I HAD to include a catfishy shocked face!

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Steven got an update! Three pictured emotions + the original design. He's the DJ at our club and also our music producer! Follow him on IG @/StvnCvtt to hear his tracks!

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Everntine's Mayor got an update! Kind-hearted and honest, Leticia wishes only the best on her town and its citizens. New vs. Old, and more to come!

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Our Goddess of the Sea got a major update! New vs. Old, Tracy will play a huge role in Everntine's various storylines!

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🎮 Want to be a game character? The Diety of Storms needs a face and we're having a drawing to fill the spot! Like and RT to enter; on 1/1 we'll be pulling the winner to be featured in

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The Inn got an upgrade, and it begins with only two beds for rent! New vs Old; to make a large profit, you'll need to upgrade this building and convince visitors to move to Everntine!

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Our town hall got a BIG upgrade! View the new vs. old and look forward to new updates on

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One of my characters lives in a dumpster - by choice. This is her dumpster. She's just as pleasant. 😷

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The Everntine grocery store is finished in its most basic form! Now you'll have a place to buy seeds and basic food items to help you along your new life!

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Catching fish has never been cuter - now Lucinda can toss her line into the water, as well as pull on the fish she's catching! continues being created with !

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Our MC has her first watering animation - now her crops will be living lavish! Happy to continue progressing within Made with .

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A big thank you and congratulations to for being my 100th follower! As thanks for this milestone, Altra will be included in not one - but two portraits in

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Meet Victoria, curator of the Everntine Museum. Her love of history and fine art led her to the island, where its interesting histories suprise her every day!

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