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Though Dubbed "Not Final Art" here's the cover for Dark Horse's #StarWars #TheHighRepublicAdventures (Vol. 2) #2 (of 8) by @djolder and @tonibru. It's due out Dec. 28.
The #StarWarsComics from Dark Horse in December include:
_ #StarWars #HyperspaceStories #4 (of 12) on Dec. 7
_ #TheHighRepublic -- #TheNamelessTerror #1 (of 4) on Dec. 28
_ #TheHighRepublicAdventures #2 (of 8) on Dec. 28
Dark Horse Comics' #StarWars: #TheHighRepublicAdventures #1 (By Daniel José Older and Toni Bruno, Cover by Harvey Tolibao)
#StarWars #TheHighRepublicAdventures Galactic Bake-Off Spectacular Preview CONT.
The #StarWarsComics due out Jan. 19 include:
_ #DoctorAphra #18
_ #TheHighRepublic #13
_ #TheHighRepublicAdventures: Galactic Bake-Off Spectacular
Pair of online-only exclusive covers from IDW's website for #StarWars #TheHighRepublicAdventures Annual 2021 by Derek Charm and #TheHighRepublic Adventures #11 by Fico Ossio available now from the publisher's website.
We've got fingers crossed for #StarWarsComics due out Nov. 17:
_ #DoctorAphra #16
_ #TheHighRepublicAdventures #10
_ The Monster of Temple Peak #4 (of 4)
_ #TheHighRepublic Adventures (Vol. 1) TPB (Collects #1-5)
_ Star Wars Episodes IV-IX Adaptation Box Set (IDW)
Comic Review: The Monster of Temple Peak #3 (of 4) - https://t.co/4LP8x8VXtj #StarWars @IDWPublishing @cavanscott @RachelAtWork @Rileysauruss @HeatherAntos @msiglain #StarWarsTheHighRepublic #TheHighRepublicAdventures #TheMonsterofTemplePeak
IDW's #StarWarsComics coming in January include #TheHighRepublic Galactic Bake-Off, #TheHighRepublicAdventures #12 and #StarWarsAdventures #14, featuring #Rey on the cover.
Better, higher-res covers, including Cover B for the #StarWars #TheHighRepublicAdventures 2021 annual.
Comic Review: The Monster of Temple Peak #2 (of 4) - https://t.co/SrGiX4Fi3u #StarWars @IDWPublshing @cavanscott @RachaelAtWork @Rileysauruss @HeatherAntos #StarWarsTheHighRepublic #TheHighRepublicAdventures #TheMonsterofTemplePeak
Per The High Republic Show, #StarWars #TheHighRepublicAdventures is getting its first annual in December and we also get a look at The High Republic Adventures #11 in the early look at IDW solicits.
The #StarWarsComics out Sept. 15 include:
| #DarthVader #16
| #WaroftheBountyHunters #Boushh #1 (One-Shot)
| #StarWars #TheHighRepublicAdventures -- #TheMonsterofTemplePeak #2 (of 4)
(Covers by Aaron Kuder/Richard Isanove, Mahmud Asrar, Rachael Stott)
The IDW #StarWarsComics due out in November include:
_ Nov. 3 -- #TheHighRepublicAdventures #10
_ Nov. 10 -- The Monster of Temple Peak #4 (of 4)
_ Nov. 17 -- #StarWarsAdventures #12
_ Nov. 24 -- Star Wars Adventures Annual 2021
Additionally, #StarWars #TheHighRepublicAdventures Monster of Temple Peak #2 (of 4) is now due out Sept. 15 and not Sept. 8.
On the cover of #StarWars #TheHighRepublicAdventures #10's retailer-incentive cover by Nicoletta Baldari is Qort and Yoda.
#FreeComicBookDay is Aug. 14. There's a pair of #StarWarsComics titles:
_ #StarWars #TheHighRepublicAdventures from IDW
_ #TheEdgeofBalance and #GuardiansoftheWhills from Viz.
Though they're free for you, your shop pays, so while there, pick up a back issue or two if you can.
Four #StarWarsComics are scheduled for release on Aug. 18, including:
_ #WaroftheBountyHunters #3 (of 5)
_ #StarWarsAdventures (Vol. 2) #8
_ #StarWars (Vol. 3) #16
_ #TheHighRepublicAdventures #7
A pair of new #StarWarsComics are coming Wednesday: #TheHighRepublic #8 and #TheHighRepublicAdventures #MonsterofTemplePeak #1 (of 4). Check out @Broaxium's Quick Shot for a spoiler-free preview, read those books and then drop in to hear our spoiler-laden breakdowns.
IDW's #StarWars #TheHighRepublicAdventures #5 by @djolder @harveytolibao @powrodrix @manuelbracchi @rebnalty @jakemwood was the publisher's top book during June, coming in at No. 66.