Height comparison

• creator (Matthew n' Wispii)

2 14

More doodels…
No further comments

0 3

The "Inky" part of InkyWisper

• Inky/"Ternary"

0 11

Both Wisper's

• InkyWisper n' Wisper

6 50

Kinda bouncing back and forth on InkyWisper's continuity-status.

I have this one idea: She is canon but no one remembers her, the moment they look away from I.W. any memory her of just vanishes

0 16

ship doodel

• Inky 137, InkyWisper

2 13

Fun fact: Creator is like DC's Mr Mxyzptlk and Bat-Mite.
TWV has it's own "Creator" (the artist hasn't drawn/made them yet)

1 4

Look a “normal” family

• Lore update for Ternary
Matt & Adria were lost souls in 212 but when Inky showed up both were pulled too his
(Inky came from 137, which is destroyed)
M n’ A don’t remember their past-lives same with Inky.

1 14