“Ternary” stuff…
Three of them are separate variants they just happen to look-alike.
Adria n’ Matt are from Reality 212, Inky is from 137 [1/2]


3 21

Headshot doodel’s of this family
| [137] “Ternary”, [137] “Entity”, [1001] Elektra, [TWV] Wisper
Reality 137 x 1001 x T.W.V

3 14

| [137] Matt, [1001] Elektra
Reality 137 x 1001
• Elektra is canon (maybe) and she’s “sisters” with Entity, but not really since they’re from different realities.
Elektra’s parents are [1001] Matt and… not Wisper is all I can say rn

1 7

Doot doot 🎺 Kinda rushed with the background
| Spyder, Lyke, “Zatt”
Reality M117

0 13

| Daredevil (Matt)
Reality M313

3 12

| Spyder n Lyke
Reality M117

0 8

Spider v. Iron Heart
Reality H117

0 13

Both Memphis and Mep get physical body’s at some point in the future (alt timeline), only problem is the shorten lifespan
Inky n Mep | Reality 212

2 9

Iron Hare/Tony Stark
Earth H117

1 16

Bat [D025] and Spider [H117]
Earth D025, H117

0 9

Headshots of [REDACTED] Sativa and Inkie, okay I’m off to bed now
Earth [REDACTED]/2004

0 8

Inkie “The reality jumping bounty hunter”
Earth 2004

1 12

Here’s this thing I drew
Creator | (Original) Ink-Universe

0 7

Another Sativa variant this time she’s from 4311
Sativa Webb | Earth 4311

0 12

Guess she’s back in the current canon of H117
Erica “Sativa” Webb | Earth H117
The Spectacular Arachnette!

0 6

Sativa Ink | Earth 4002

0 8