The smell of bluebells causes Queen Horatia to recall an old Isochronian legend.

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Quinn and Horatia find themselves in a field of bluebells.

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Quinn and Queen Horatia fall to an uncertain fate.

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Queen Horatia and Quinn notice something outside the window.

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Quinn and Prince Cassius venture further into the maze and discover something miraculous.

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The Ceaseless Space Rose takes pride of place in Queen Horatia's garden.

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Quinn heads back through the portal but something feels different.

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Quinn awakens to find himself in a glasshouse.

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A mysterious young fawn is spotted in Isochronus.

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.’s new adventure in Isochronus has begun! Read the new story over on Quinn’s page now!

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The Queen of Isochronus decrees that the forest be cut down.

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