Finished piece for the voted request! And yes.

That is you, in his lap, being held and snuggled.

Hehehe. Hope y'all like the way it turned out! <3

1 11

I'm trying a new painting style to my artwork and this is my first attempt at it. Let me know if there's anything I can improve on and if you have any tips send them over~! Have a good day.

1 4

Well howdy! I'm TheMorseHorse, an artist & animator. I think I'm decent at my work, and would appreciate the support! If you want a request, just ask & we'll work out the details! I work on pieces with slight gore and blood, but mostly cute and funny stuff. Have a good day lads!

1 7

Well, howdy! I'm TheMorseHorse, and I'm an artist and animator of the (now scrapped) Brandon VS. Magistr series and the upcoming VS. Cody series! I also do art requests so if you want one, just message me and we'll work out the details!

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