The Revenant. My father said this was his favorite film. So here we are. Enjoy.

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SKETCH ❄️ The Revenant 🐻 I just LOVE this movie and its visuals, also 's acting is brilliant as always. Hope you like this !!

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Thank you for the RAD stream! cant wait for to come out now! its another

Also we hit a our goal of 700! You all are amazing x.x its honestly crazy how fast its getting to 1k! x.x Here's some fanart from to celebrate!

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Digital paint study of in The Revanant. Love the look of this film so I had to try and paint it. Always have a bit of trouble with this color scheme/lighting but getting there.

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Finally getting into colour. Referenced stills from All painted using on the

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Looking cool and old school, time-bending RPG arrives on PC this summer!


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The Revenant alternative movie poster uploded by Orlando Copali Velasquez

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This is definitely one of the best steampunk covers I have ever seen

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