» tell my brother that i'm sorry
i didn't want you to get hurt
but i hope you feel the guilt begin to burn «
– acacia ridge ; malevolence

got to make the ever-lovely draw for me 🥰 and he's perfeeeect 💙


1 6

Congratulations to , my 1000th follower!

Sadly, Mark, you don't win anything, but I do like the sound of your book, & I'll definitely be getting a copy. I love a bit of NT-ing & combining this with a murder mystery sounds brill!

1 3

An fun macro pic request for my good friend the TheTrusty a.k.a Maxwell featuring his fox sona having fun being all macro for once and stomping on his tiny friends who don't quite on his ideal of fun but they'll get use to it hopefully, atleast it's clearly fun for him though

5 38

Get today on DVD or Bluray starring & a perfect duo great thriller

2 4