I've been introduced to Log in my adventure catching up with They are such a good smol and this little bit in the session made me laugh!

66 330

Had some extra free time & this image locked in my brain.
's character, Task from

Please enjoy & keep up the good work .

12 74

Forever catching up with Greckles crying alone in his room about his past gives me sad feels. Trying to get a Kenku face to emote properly gives me mad feels.

15 92

Only have time for a quick drawing this week for Still catching up but I made it to the Romansion! Not sure if Borky has a crush on Starlight or he just wants to offer to be her manager. You never can tell with him, he's one enigmatic orc...

8 73

I've got a long way to go to git gud, but I am still practicing.#TheUnexpectables.

16 133