Raven spends most of season 3 training on Paradise Island (Themyscira but they can't say that) with the Amazons

They all wear white outfits, which were directly pulled from the designs of George Perez in New Teen Titans Vol 1

17 449

This feels like a misunderstanding of rebirth to me, and also… why can’t Cheetah live on Themyscira? I mean Maggie can, Isadore did, it’s really no big deal

4 12

A message destined for Themyscira
I cannot stay without greeting the actress and martial artist who has participated in 's movies, and the latter being supported by her in our event in Chile

46 238

You could easily revise the story that Hippolyta & Philippus created her out of clay and brought to life by their love.

1 3

This is Nubia Queen of the Amazons sister to Diana of Themyscira.

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5 48


No dia 22 de Março, faz aniversário a nossa querida princesa de Themyscira que foi moldada do barro e abençoada pelos deuses não só o dom da vida, mas também seus poderes e habilidades!

49 230

Best talk re: ART I've ever had is w a MARTIAL artist. https://t.co/N8d7IhyUCT ! In animated Mimi was THE martial arts model & consultant. That's just a slice of her Themysciran quest to bring joy, justice and arts to the world. Quote PNGs by her

1 8

de Darwyn Cook

45 703

One things that’s missing from Wonder Woman adaptations is showing Themyscira’s kangaroos. 🦘✨

48 315

Princess Diana of Themyscira

5 21

Por renunciarem à sua imortalidade ao deixar Themyscira, as Bana-Mighdall decidiram que a melhor maneira de continuar sua raça era sequestrar homens das cidades vizinhas para uso na reprodução. Que eram mantidos e chamados quando seus serviços reprodutivos eram necessários.

0 17

Vocês sabiam que existem Amazonas Egípcias no universo da Dc?

Conheçam Bana-Mighdall, a tribo de amazonas que se separou de Themyscira

18 174

Is the sequel to “Nubia: Real One” coming soon and is Nubia going to visit Themyscira?? 😃🎉

5 18

Plus, Greek warriors wore skirts into battle which influenced Themyscira’s Amazons who are an offshoot of Ancient Greek society.

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