Good evening my dear creatures of the night. Happy I hope everyone is having a delightful evening/day. Stay warm out there everyone. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: NanFe

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Good evening my dear creatures of the night. Happy I hope everyone is doing well and had a magical Witchy/Werewolf Wednesday. May you have a beautiful evening/day. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Laveir
Artist: Nikulina-Helena

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Good afternoon my dear creatures of the dark. Happy I hope you all are having a bloody good day. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Venlian
Artist: j-witless

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Good evening my dear creatures of the night. Happy I hope everyone is enjoying their Friday Eve and having a good day. If not, kick back with your favorite scary movie, your favorite drink and hopefully relax. Take care, stay safe and much love to you all. 🦇💜

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Good morning my dear creatures of the night. Happy I hope everyone is doing amazing and enjoy their Friday Eve. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Innervalue
Artist: Darkest-B4-Dawn

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Good afternoon my dear creatures of the night. Happy I hope everyone is having a bloody good Friday eve. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: CharmiiArt
Artist: PemaMendez

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Good afternoon my dear creatures of the night. Happy I hope everyone is doing phenomenal and having a great day. Sorry for not being on, my dog has been extra needy since he has a conjunctivitis poor baby. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜

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Good evening my dear creatures of the night. Happy I hope you all are doing amazing and having a fangtastic day. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Keiler-art
Artist: RozennIlliano

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Good evening my fangtabulous lovelies. Happy I hope everyone is having a delightful day. Stay thirsty loves. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Coffee-Shakes
Artist: Enamorte

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Good evening my fangtastic lovelies. Happy I hope everyone is having a bloody good day. Enjoy the darkness and the night, who knows what you might find or what might find you. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all.🦇💜

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Good evening my dear creatures of the night. Happy I hope everyone is doing amazing and having a bloody good day. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: aoxenuk
Artist: Jeleynai

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Good evening my dear lovelies, happy I hope everyone is having a great day and are doing amazing. Take care, stay safe and much love to you all.🦇💜
Artist: OlchaS
Artist: tjota

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Good evening my dear creatures of the night. Happy I hope everyone is doing magnificent and enjoying their Friday eve. Just think it's almost the weekend. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: aoxenuk
Artist: Ink-and-Vinegar

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Good evening my dear creatures of the night. Happy I hope everyone is doing well and having a fangtastic day/night. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: ZeroAkumaReal
Artist: DenaHelmi

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Good evening dear creatures of the night. Happy Hope everyone is having a fangtastic night/day. Have a safe and thrilling evening. Take care and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Enamorte
Artist: ChrisRallis

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Good evening my dear creatures of the night. Happy Hope everyone is doing amazing and enjoying their Friday eve. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Chenthooran
Artist: nina-Y

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Good evening my dear creatures of the night, happy I hope everyone is doing well and having a good week so far. At least tomorrow is Friday! Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Valentina-Remenar
Artist: x-Celebril-x

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Good evening my dear creatures of the night. May you all enjoy your Have a bloody good time, especially since it's almost Friday. A new drawing will be up tomorrow, stay tuned. Stay safe, take care and much love to you all.🦇💜

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Good afternoon/evening my incredible dearies with an insatiable hunger for horror. I hope you all are doing well and having a fabulous Hard to believe the year is almost over. Take care loves and stay safe. 🦇💜
Artist: RasheruSuzie
Artist: GigaMessy

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Good evening, dear creatures of the night. Happy Hope you all are well and enjoying your night/day. Don't forget to donate to your local vampire, we're always looking for a midnight drink. Take care and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: Pixennon
Artist: InaWong

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